A hand-made grocery bag, with the most fun fabric EVER!!!!
SEXY cops!!
This is the singlet style bag that checkers LOVE because it fits right on their plastic bag holders, making it super-fast and easy to fill.

William will be my name drawer, and he will be totally fair because he can't read. (well, unless your name is "milk", the only word he reads). Immediate family may not participate (my spouse and children)
The drawing will be on the 12th and the winner will be announced by the end of the day.
Enter today!!
The stash game on Sewing Mamas has concluded (for me) and I did pretty well, and exceeded my score from the last one! And I sewed 48 yards of fabric. I find it alarming that I sewed that much fabric, but it doesn't appear that I've made a dent in the amount that is still on my shelves....How can that be??
I am already a follower :P
one of my favorite blogs is:
pick me William - my name is Milk!
Okay I'll enter...or am I immediate family?
Fave bog is Lew's family happenings...
Im entering :)
One of my many favs is ~
I'm already a follower and I have loads of blogs that I enjoy, so I don't really have a supreme favorite, but I do enjoy reading jennawoestman.com or hersoutherncharm.blogspot.com
One of my favorite blogs is Follow Our Journey (http://brianandcindy.blogspot.com). She's a triplet Mama and I love to read her stories!
BTW...WTG on sewing that much!!! I don't know how you did it!!!
One of my favorite blogs is http://www.thepioneerwoman.com
I followed you.
Already a follower here too (baaa!). My fave blog of late is Sticky, Gooey, Creamy, Chewy.
I am already a follower and you are on my blog roll too!
Favorite blogs? Oh my! Well, other than mine and yours? I think it would have to be http://jonag.typepad.com/stop_staring_and_start_se/ The actual blog is called "Stop Staring and Start Sewing!"
Have a beautiful Cheesy day!
Ooh! Sexy Cops! :)
I will follow your blog! :)
My favorites (aside from yours, of course, are http://www.thepioneerwoman.com & I've been checking out http://littlegreen.typepad.com/romansock/ - lots of cute crochet patterns!
Yay for police man grocery bags!
My fave blog is:
Ok I'm following! And a favorite blog is http://www.adventuresinbabywearing.com/
I'm now following! ;) My fave blog is http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com/
I'm following now. Favorite blog wow, umh, cake wrecks.
I am following and my fave blog is failblog.org
one of my favorite blogs at the moment...
I've been a reader, but now I'm a follower.
My favorite blog today (it seems to change constantly) is "There's No Place Like Home", http://marcusanddina.blogspot.com/
My DH does the grocery shopping, so I'm sure he'd be thrilled if I won. ;)
nomorecreamofmushroom.blogspot.com - My cooking blog
I'm a follower (on your blog and in real life) and my favorite blog is this mommy/fashion blog http://momgenerations.com/blogs/audrey/
C'mon William, PICK ME! I'll give you a fuffin.
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