

Holiday Activities Day 16: Dallas Arboretum

 What's funny about Texas is that the seasons all seem to come 6 wks to 2 months after everyone, for day 16 of our holiday fun we spent some time enjoying the autumn, at the Arboretum. They did have some holiday stuff but the boys weren't interested so we looked at some other things instead. Plenty to do there!

It was super cloudy and misted a bit while were were there. By the time we left it was actually raining on and off. We decided to explore a newly opened area of the Arboretum...Maple Ridge. We went thru this porch actually before we got to the path. You can see the lake in the back ground if you look closely but it's so gray out that it looks like the sky.

I cannot wait to see this when the trees are bigger and mature because it's pretty awesome now!

see the lake back there?

 The path thru the Maple Ridge leads to this pool...William thinks its so cool the way the pool and lake merge on the horizon.

This was a slow visitor day, but the gardeners were busy planting a billion bulbs for spring!

the boys spotted a worm.

This was full, but they emptied it pretty quickly.

More of Maple Ridge...there are two fountains, left and right, on either side of a flat falling water feature

see? the water feature...

New paths

This is a pic towards the lake where I usually run. See the tiny runner in blue, down on a path close to the lake? most tuesdays and saturdays, that's me!

Can you hear the banjos playing???

cookin' up some vittles.

and, giving the field a once-over with the plows before heading home.

We saw Snow White on the way out, but the boys were too afraid of her to talk to her or get their picture taken. Maybe next time!

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