

Countdown Calendar Activity: Day 7,, Trains at Northpark!

One of the fun activities we did, on day 7, was to go see the trains at Northpark Center. We had never been before and we really enjoyed it! It was fantastic!!

Here they are with their tickets!!

The ticket taker was also a picture taker!

Tons and tons of trains.

It was pretty much impossible to photograph the boys, tho.

I got William with the "Dallas Skyline"

And one of Aldous.

I loved the models of Dallas landmarks!

Fair Park! See Big Tex? I was surprised that they used such a mediocre Ferris Wheel tho, to represent the Texas Star.

Aldous wasn't ready to go, so he threw him self onto the floor and cried a bit. William and I looked at some trains nearby until he composed himself.

After that we wandered around the mall a bit and then headed home! It was a great time!

1 comment:

Thank you so much for your comment! I wait for each one with bated breath, and read them all so eagerly! Spread the cheese!