

Christmas Eve fun!

Finally!! We had a grand time Christmas Eve!

A couple of days before we went to Greenville for our annual Santa Claus pic. The boys were less than thrilled. Afterward, we headed to Commerce, to our favorite Mexican restaurant, Molina's. We judge all other rice and re-fried beans by theirs. None come close. In fact, I rarely care what the entree is there, as long as there are rice and beans!!

for Christmas Eve dinner we grilled fajitas!! We're hardcore here in Texas. We even grill in the snow. of course, it rarely snows in this part of Texas, but we just ignore it. Well, we ignore it. The rest of the city has a big freak out.

Texas grill-master, Doug, grilling in his ski jacket.


Audrey tries out William's bike helmet.

The grilled meat: skirt steak and chicken breast. We marinate in Claude's Fajita Marinade. We all love Claude's and it's great on beef, chicken, shrimp and mushrooms. Delish!! We get ours at Walmart for about $3 a bottle. They have a website, but it's not working as I type this.

We also had homemade guacamole and salsa, all the fajita fixings, and Oreo Dessert
the "blizzard". All the news reports were of blizzard conditions. Really? hmmmmm

After the boys were fast asleep, and the majority of wrapped gifts put out, Doug and Amanda began the Rocket Tent assembly. It was very hard!!!

Stinky lends a hand.

Emily gives her two cents.

Rocket man!!

The loot, as seen from the sleigh.Gifts for 13 people, although they all didn't make it.

The new stockings, hung over the modern family's living room focal point: the television. Here's where I blog about the stockings I made!!

Visions of sugar-plums dancing in his head.

Sleeping Aldous.

Santa's coming soon!!


  1. thank you for sharing - love the pics! and is that a stewie pj top??? Love it!!

  2. Aw, love it! You guys definitely didn't get nearly as much snow as we did. I was surprised at how blizzard-y it really was here!


Thank you so much for your comment! I wait for each one with bated breath, and read them all so eagerly! Spread the cheese!