

Sewing: Free Pants For Aldous

I know, I know, I just cleaned my sewing room. But, I didn't mess it up for these!! (and, it's not really all that clean, just emptier)

When I went through the boys clothes, none of Aldous' pants from last year fit, and the pants that William outgrew were a lot of sizes too big. I don't save clothes that long, because I really just don't have room here to store stuff. I make so many of their clothes and save so much money, that's it not really a big deal to not hang onto every scrap of clothing that William outgrows.

I had a stack of pants that were in decent shape and were destined for the donation pile. I managed to get these together right around the same time that I found out I needed some pants for Aldous, so I saved them to use to make Aldous'!

The "donate pile" pants are two pairs of pants that were hand-me-downs, and the other two were made by me for myself when I was fat, out of free fabric. Free, free, free!! I had one khaki, two denim, and one cord. I actually have three more denim. The khaki is cut out and on my sewing table, but I did all the navy thread sewing first.

I used the vintage Kwik Sew's Sewing for Toddlers pants pattern. I added pockets to the back of the pants, because Aldous asked for pockets. Here are the backs.

The neat thing about making pants this way is that the side seams and hems are already done. They go together SO quickly.

 the blue corduroy. My model is a wreck...paci, dirty face, dirty sweater and Mr. Potato Head sticker on his chest. this is what happens when I sew while they're awake.

 William kept getting in the pictures and I told him "no pics of naked kids!", so he got a blanket.

Sexy face. Still in the blue cords.

 Now the denim. In my destroyed living room. Thanks guys.

I didn't model the 3rd pair of pants (denim) because I thought I would stencil on a robot, but then had no luck finding a robot I liked. Meh.

Aldous' butt. Cutie-patootie bootie!
Thanks for looking! I love free pants!! And now, Aldous won't be cold when he goes camping with his dad and brother this weekend! happy sewing!


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