

Look what I did!

My first attempt at upholstery! We've had this tiny footstool's about one foot square...very small. The fabric on it was dated, and the wood was a dark cherry. You know, late 80's fab.

I used spray paint to change the color...I love spray paint. This is Krylon Ocean Blue indoor/outdoor gloss. I was totally blown away by how many and how fabulous colors available for spray paint, now! I used to have to buy floral spray (lots of colors, but flat) and then spray over with clear shiny spray. No more!!

I have never upholstered anything, not even something so simple. As I took the cover off I paid close attention to the way it was put together. Lots of staples!

all the gross old pieces taken apart.

I used a piece of fabric from my newly organized stash. Actually, I didn't know I had this fabric, and when I saw, I wanted to put it on that stool.

I used the old piece to figure out how bit to cut the new piece of fabric. I used a staple gun and did the corners first, just like the one I took apart!

After I finished the corners, I did two opposite sides.

Everything all stapled down.

I reused this lining stuff. I turned it over, tho, so the faded side was toward the board.

I remeasured my fabric before I refolded it, and relabeled.

I used glue and the existing screws to reattach the seat to the legs.

Viola! I've been bitten by the fix-up bug, so hopefully I'll get to do something else soon.

I cannot believe the colors of spray paint available now! what's the last thing you spray painted? Did you use a fab color?


  1. Awesome job, Jacki! Your pics make it look so easy! Makes me want to scrounge my house for stuff to do over...... :)

  2. Wow. I had no idea that reupholstering could be so easy (you made it look super easy). Love the fabric you chose. The last thing I spray painted was an outdoor table that I changed from chipped dark green to glossy white.

  3. Love it! Hope you don't mind, but I pinned it on Pinterest"

  4. Ritu and Sarah, it WAS easy! I was so surprised! I didn't need any special tools or anything!

    Angela, that's totally fine! I pinned it myself the other day! Pin away!


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