

Bluebonnets and Spring Shirts from Ottobre

My favorite boy shirt pattern, by far, is the Ottobre Shirt pattern, which is a pattern that can be bought separately from the magazine. When I subscribed to Ottobre I was offered on free pattern, so I chose the shirt, even tho William wasn't quite big enough to fit in the pattern. A couple years later, I'm using it for both boys! Wow, time flies!

So the story of these shirts is this: we had vague plans to have Chera Nall take pics of the kids in the bluebonnets when they bloomed and we thought mid-to-late April. I supposed I might make shirts for those pics, but it was in an undetermined time in the future. Then, one day in early April, Chera emailed me and said "I know it's short notice but bluebonnets are blooming early, RIGHT NOW! Are you available for pics tomorrow?" omg. omg. OMG!! "Of course!" I said, while mentally panicking about the outfits. I had just been to the all my fav stores looking for shirts, and had bought the only two I liked for the pics we had made a couple weeks before.

So, I did what any mother would do. I got up on Monday morning, took the 4 y/o to pre-school, gave a huge plate of snacks to the 2 y/o and sewed up two picture shirts in 4 hours. This includes tracing a pattern in Aldous' size, choosing fabric and contrast! WOOT!!

So, here's what we ended up with. A lime green linen with cotton print contrast. Regular shirt buttons.

Yoke, pleat, yadda yadda yadda...

Here's the print yoke facing.

and the underside of the collar.

close up of the yoke and pleat.

And, I don't have to take modeling pics of this shirt, because Chera did it for me!

Thanks for looking!

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