

Ice, Ice, more Ice, then snow. Hello, Winter!

Because our weather has been so beautiful and mild, I thought I'd reminisce about the weather earlier this month, you know, two weeks ago.

We usually get two weeks of real winter weather throughout the "winter" months, but it seems like we're getting all of it at once this year! This is about normal for us for February, tho. Last year we had snow on Valentine's Day.
In any case, the boys spent a bit of time enjoying the surprise snow.  This is what our 8'x 13' skylight looked like in the morning. It actually blocked a significant amount of light.

And, out the front window, to view our 'dusting' of snow. Was about 4 inches in this sheltered area.

The requisite "snow on branch with red berries" pic

see? look how deep this "dusting" is!

then, for a few hours, my camera made pics that looked like this. I was a bit concerned.

Aldous, ready to go play! he wants to make a "thnow-man!"

William couldn't stop jumping for joy! he was so excited!

They just jumped right in!

Look at William's mittens!

After a trek through the melting slush, they got a little wet.

Aldous, after shedding his outdoor gear. Red, and cold.

All warm, in fresh pjs, on Mommy's pillows with his paci and "nuggle". Ahhhh!

What a fun snow day for them! But, I'm glad it's gone.


  1. We don't know each other...However, please read the D Magazine article on Dimples before you support them. They have ripped people off all the way down the line and left people broke and "holding the bag" while they prosper without paying their bills.

  2. I'm pretty sure Dimples is closed here in west village but I totally had to come see which post got a remark about Dimples!! ha ha, one where I don't even MENTION Dimples.
    Yes, I read the article and they closed shop soon after around here. Thanks for the info!


Thank you so much for your comment! I wait for each one with bated breath, and read them all so eagerly! Spread the cheese!