

Autumn Camping, Beaver's Bend, Oklahoma

This is our second year to go to Beaver's Bend State Park (Oklahoma) for the First Unitarian Church of Dallas' Outdoor Adventure camp out! The first time we went, Aldous was just a couple of weeks old. He was MUCH more fun this year!

Our first morning there, I got up early and went for a run. Not that early, maybe it was 7 when I left. Anyway, it was still dark.

It was a difficult run: so many hills!! But, the view was beautiful, and on my walk breaks I took some pics.

I thought all these fishing lines caught on the lines were funny.

later, after I had showered and was waiting around for breakfast, I saw these daddy-long-legs. I could go on and on about the beauty of nature and all of it's creatures, but really, these were just gross and weird.

After we finally ate, we walked over to the fun little area with a train ride and horse stables. The horses are too expensive, but the train ride is a lot of fun, mostly.

After our walk back, we had some sandwiches and fruit, and took a nap.

The boys really had a great time outdoors!

This was Aldous' favorite chair (altho, not his). Every time we passed it, he commented  on it, so I had to have him sit in it. He said "oh, this is so nice".

Aldous and I went exploring. I don't know where Doug and William were during all of this.

After our nature exploration, we headed back to a game of kick/volley ball

While we were playing, we could hear thunder. Soon the wind picked up and a big thunderstorm rolled in! These are leaves blowing all around.

Trapped inside by the rainstorm, Doug plays cards with the boys until time to grill steak. Out the window behind them is the old grill, but the guys set a big tarp and a grill under it so they wouldn't get drenched.

The steak was awesome. Here's a rare picture of Doug eating food.

After dinner, there was to be cake and ice cream. William's waiting for the cake to appear.

Still waiting. I've never seen such patience from him. The things one will do for cake!

Finally, the cake is un-boxed. Happy birthday, Patricia.

Two boys eager for the candles and singing, which, of course, is followed by the eating.

Keeping Aldous in check.

The cake is drawing a crowd!

Finally, something good! He also had cake, but I was too busy eating my piece to get a picture.

After a late night up with the crowd singing songs with a guitar player, I was up early cooking breakfast, which, I proudly can say, was served on time. We took a short hike after breakfast, where I saw this neat spider.

Look, Doug and William!

And, me and Aldous. We're a two Ergo family.
cranky face William.

One more beautiful view before we headed home.

Looking forward to the next camp out!

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