

Last whole day in Galveston

This is our last full day in Galveston, so we start off by having breakfast at McDonald's. Total chaos with those two kids this morning. William is just plain NOT listening to anything, no matter the consequence. I hope this doesn't make his day suck!!

We want to go to Crystal Beach, so we head for the Galveston-Bolivar Ferry. It's a free ferry and I thought for sure the boys would think taking our car onto a boat was a big deal.

Waiting in line for the ferry. We were in the second long line

We could see our ferry much better after the first long line of cars got on.

Here it is! orange, my favorite color!

the boys are a little unsure of being in the car on a boat.

We walked up to the middle viewing area, and we could see our car! The Toyota with the messed up grill. Doug did that, not me!!

This is Sea Wolf Park.

Crazy people stand in the back and feed the sea gulls. Really!

We did see some dolphins, too, but I was holding William up so he could see them and didn't get any pictures.

So, we arrive at Bolivar Peninsula, drive down the road for about 11 miles to a blinking stoplight at Crystal Beach Road, and turn right. There's a bait shop on the corner. Drive about two blocks. The pavement ends and you can drive/park on the beach if you have the right car (and a permit) but we're in the Yaris so we park on the pavement.

This beach was awesome. We saw very few other people. Every now and then a truck or golf cart (or the sheriff) would come by, but that was it!

Lots of small shells on this beach, which kept the boys busy.

The waves broke a long way back from the beach, so it was REALLY shallow a long way out, and the closer waves were very gentle. I actually got to read my book for a while!

William got a bit braver as time went on and was thrashing around in the water!

I can't get over how empty and nice this beach was.

This is back toward the road I came in on. If you look to the left of the road you can see the silver Yaris parked there. After we had been there a couple of hours, some storm clouds came rolling in, complete with loud thunder and lightening! We started packing up around then.

On the way back to the ferry I stopped here for some drinks.

The ferry ride back was a bit rainy, on and off, and featured a lot of crazy birds! No one was feeding them tho

This one didn't have a mid-height viewing point, and William was too afraid to go all the way to the top one, so we explored the car level. Snore.

We found Forrest Gump at the front of the ferry, and we can see the orange ferry we came over on in the distance.

William got too far away from me and freaked out. Here he is running pell-mell back to me.

We picked up some lunch and got back to our room just in time for this:

So, we ate our lunch and took a nice nap. The great thing about nap time on vacation is that there is NO WORK for me to do while they nap, so I just take one, too. Although, I usually wake up well before them. Today they slept from 1pm to 6pm. I ordered a pizza after they were awake and dressed, and we walked around to see what the pool hours were. We walked back to the room and waited a bit while they watched Team Umizumi on my netbook.

 the pizza guy was weird and old, and too creepy-friendly, and gushed about my "tiny laptop" and asked if it was theirs. Right. I would buy two toddlers a computer.

Anyway, the boys were pleased with their pizza feast.

 After three slices each, we got our swimsuits and towels and headed to the pool. As soon as we got there I realized I had forgotten my phone, which was REALLY too bad because there was a whole rainbow across the pink sky. It was SO pretty, because it tinted the rainbow pink! We saw a pink rainbow yesterday, too.

The boys and I had a great time swimming in the pool, and met some nice people. by 9pm we were all tuckered out, and a bit cold, so we went back to the room for a quick hot shower. By 9:40, both boys were sound asleep. I expected after their long nap they'd be up for a while but I think the late nights and early mornings of this week have finally caught up with them.

We've had a wonderful week, but we're all excited about heading home and seeing Daddy!


  1. And Daddy looks forward to seeing all of you. See you soon!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing your adventure! I'd never had the chance to explore Galveston the times I've gone and now I think we just may have to make a trip sometime.

  3. I loved following your adventures. I have never been to Galveston but it looks beautiful. The rainforest pyramid looks really cool too. Happy birthday late!

  4. Wow... sorry I haven't caught up on your blog in a while. You have been a busy girl! The photos are gorgeous... love the amazing cloud formations in the background. Looks like W and A had a great time in the water. Jeesh, I miss the beach!


Thank you so much for your comment! I wait for each one with bated breath, and read them all so eagerly! Spread the cheese!