

A trip to Commerce, and the "new" William

Last Friday, I made a trip to Commerce to visit our stuff in the storage building. Doug had remembered the code incorrectly, so mostly it was just a fun trip.  We started it off by meeting my friend Bree for lunch at Molina's. She had a meeting that morning at the university, and we were rolling into town right as she finished. The boys were both marvelously behaved, and we ate some yummy food, and had a great time.

From there we went to the storage building, but I couldn't get in, and Doug tried, in vain, to get in touch with the manager. We headed to the local park to play while we waited to see if he could be "reminded" of the code. This park is two blocks from where we lived, and it has the city pool where Amanda was life guard for a couple of years.

This thing is so old! Nice, fast metal slide. Sadly, tho, it was too hot to use when we were there in the middle of the day.

 The boys had a great time looking at the water slowly moving by in the ditch.

 Aldous ran back and forth across this bridge at least a dozen times.

 William learned a new way to entertain himself on the swings!!

 The pavilion at that park is nice, too. It's HUGE and has a bunch of ceiling fans in it. I thought it was bizarre that they were all on and running, even tho we were the only people at the park. We really had a great time here, although William and Aldous were both baffled to learn I hadn't packed snacks!  William said "Where's our snack? Do have graham crackers? pretzels?" ha ha, poor kid!

 during the summer, most of the regular Sunday school classes are suspended, and other programs are offered in place of them. Examples are foreign language, exercise (yoga, pilates, tai chi, etc), a group is chipping mortar off of the old bricks from a building that was torn down so they can use them in the new building, some are cooking,. One of them is a Music Together class that William really loves!! He loved it last year, but was immature with his socialization and wouldn't participate at all. It was so exciting to see him participating in the songs and activities and really enjoying himself. He's really learned a lot since last year.

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