

Whew I've been lazy, and the last days in Hawaii.

We had three final days in Hawaii, but the weather was bad: rain and cold winds up to 45mph. We didn't get to the beach again, needless to say. We did however walk to a mall closeby, and explore a plaza filled with souvenir shops.

This mall is Ala Moana. 
It has all the stores you would find in any mall, and this one was BUSY with Japanese shoppers hauling BAGS and BAGS of stuff. This mall was really nice, because it seemed like any indoor mall, but was really all open air and very beautiful. William loved the big pools everywhere with big fish in them.

The store we went there to see was Shirokiya.
It's a Japanese department store with a big book store in it. We cracked up at these Monchichi dolls!!

This view was from the top of the mall. Over the parking garage is a harbor full of boats.

I picked up this neat sewing book, and William found a Japanese Thomas the Tank Engine Coloring book, which he keeps giving us to "read"

That night, we saw some hula dancers in another shopping center. These were the only hula dancers we saw the whole time!

Aldous wearing flip-flops. These are terrible to get onto his fat feet!!

Eating pizza in the food court while souvenir shopping. We had the best day here!! No wind in this courtyard, and no rain, either!!

William was totally impressed with this waterfall and pool full of fish.

I had picked up a couple of grass skirts while shopping, and on the last day I took the boys pictures in them. I made the shirts they're wearing (before we came, mind you)

Aldous would rather not participate.

This is my favorite picture of William from this set.

We left that night....the boys slept the whole flight, no problem, but I got NO rest!! It was exhausting! When we landed at 7:30 am, we took a shuttle to one end of the airport, then caught another shuttle to the train station. From there, we took the TRE (the Fort Worth train) to the DART station (Dallas train), then to city place station, then a mile walk home. We got home before 10am, but I was SO tired!! It took me a full week to be back to normal! The boys were perfect for the whole trip home and I had left all the luggage for Doug to bring home the next day, so I only had our carry on bag to contend with.

I might have to wait a few years before I attempt a long trip like THAT again!


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