

Day, 7, Sunday: Breakfast, Aquarium, and Beach.

After being trapped in the room all day (or most of the day) the day before, I was on a mission to have fun!! We started off with a nice breakfast at the restaurant downstairs. No more IHOP for us, bleck!! This buffet was good!!

William was a big fan of the "all you eat bacon" and I'm sure he ate a pound of it. Notice there is none on his plate.

Me, having just returned with bacon refill for William.

Our morning paper...I brought this home.

I saw this after I got back to the room. A guy was carrying a huge surfboard, and had to wait to cross, so he rested his board on the hedges.

Doug had to finish up a presentation and then meet his coworker, so the boys and I found something to entertain ourselves while he worked...we went to the Aquarium!!! via Waikiki Beach, of course.

William spotted some surfers. We watched them for about 30 minutes and he laughed so hard, enjoying them.

This guy was hanging out watching the surfers, too. Japanese, and didn't speak English. He said "hello" and nodded a lot. He was very fashionable, too. Blue oxford shirt, boot flare Wranglers, and wooden platform flip-flops.

The Aquarium!!

These ceramic scuptures were very cool, and William insisted on seeing each one of them up close.

This aquarium is great, but all of these pics are with the camera on my phone, so the quality is a bit iffy.

This octopus was SO cool!!!

Lots of jelly fish!

This jelly fish pic turned out well.

This aquarium had an outdoor reef with a ton of brightly colored fish . William liked being able to see everything from above and below.

They also had a small area where you could touch and hold different creatures, like sea urchins and hermit crabs. William took a bit of time building up courage to go over there, and then another 10 minutes to be able to hold an empty shell. *sigh*

And then the monk seals. William didn't like these either, so we didn't look at these long, although they were doing a lot of cool stuff!

As we were leaving , we swung through the park in front of the zoo to check out their weekly arts and crafts show and fair. This tree is SO huge!!!

The thing that caught William's attention here was this booth with clothing made from rice sack cloth. Hmmm. He said "ooh! Look at all those fabrics!!"

Aldous was asleep by the time we got back, so he went to his room to finish his nap. ha ha!!

After naps and some lunch, Doug was finished with his work, so we packed up and headed to the beach!

We all had a great time swimming and floating and throwing sand. Well, I didn't throw much sand. It was amazing how yucky the water was from the storm the day before. There were ALL kinds of gross things floating by, and the water was a lot higher, too.

It was also about 10 degrees cooler, and Aldous got too cold.  The water was warm enough, but the air was a bit cool with the breeze (wind....25mph) Right after this picture, a gust of wind blew the stroller over, with Aldous in it!!

And the only pic of me at the beach!

After our chilly stroll home, we had a bit of dinner, and watched this beautiful sunset. AHHHH!!

1 comment:

  1. I am caught up now on your trip. It sounds really fun. Well, the how Tsunami scare doesn't sound fun, but the rest did. My sil and bil were on Maui the same time you were in Honolulu. I have never been but hope to go some day. The aquarium looks great and I am jealous you and Marilyn got to hang out in fabric stores together!!! How super fun! I am glad you got to go, even on such short notice. Sounds like a great adventure!


Thank you so much for your comment! I wait for each one with bated breath, and read them all so eagerly! Spread the cheese!