

Grocery Bag Dispenser, and Cold Weather.

Winter?? Here???
It's been really cold here this week, and so we were faced with the rare task of bundling up our kids.Here's William wearing two shirts, his jacket, a hat and the mittens I sewed up the other day. They're a bit big, but he's very proud of keeping his thumb in the thumb section. He even shows me, randomly, "wook!!! Wook, my fumb!" This morning it was about 18 when I headed out to warm up the car.

And here's Aldous all bundled up in a hand-me-down outfit!!

I sort of laughed a bit when I took this outfit because I was SURE we were never going to have to use all these pieces together. Ooops!!

Grocery Bag Dispenser
I whipped up a couple of these Grocery Bag Dispensers using this tutorial.
They were easy and fast, and most of the fabric I used was free fabric. the dark red is a scrap from the Christmas outfits I had made for the kids.

A close up of the elastic opening.

The fabulous contrasting top-stitching!

I actually made these only 20" long rather than 30" because I plan to hang them where I frequently need a grocery bag: like the bathroom, or by the litter box.

Action shots

giggle, giggle.


  1. I need one near my litter box too! What a great idea. I don't know WHy I couldn't think of that. Our litter box is in the (unused) dining room it's a huge plastic tub with a hole cup in top. Had to do that to keep the dogs from snacking on Kitty Cookies. AND I have tried all sorts of boxes & the cat always makes a litter this one works best for us. I guess I could hang our little bag dispenser (when I make one) from one of those command hook jobbies on the wall. I don't want anything nailed into the wall......

    The boys look like Eskimos all bundled up.


  2. Hey Sam!!
    When my bag was empty I put it around the cabinet handle, slip knot style! now it's hanging and I have no hole in the wall!
    OR, instead of a one piece handle, make it two piece you can tie on to stuff. :)

    Hope that helps!


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