

About Stash Game

I'm ready!!! I even dressed the dress form, so she won't be showing her bra with every project.

On SewingMamas about twice a year there is a Stash Game, where you earn points per yard sewn from your stash. You may not buy or otherwise gain fabric without penalty. You can buy notions, trim, patterns, etc, but NO FABRIC. This is a fun game for me and I really enjoy. I get the majority of a seasons sewing done during the entire month of stash game.

My strategy is a bit different this year, because I want to make the majority of things for myself. I need some new clothes, and I have a bunch of apparel fabric and patterns, so the timing is perfect!!

I cut swatches of all the fabrics I had bought for myself and glued them onto a paper.
Then, as I decided which pattern to use them on, I moved them to a notebook.

That part was fun!! I got all of my patterns traced and ready to go, and stacked up with the fabric. No cutting is allowed until the game starts, so tracing and stacking is all I've got done there.

All of the patterns I'm using (well the ones I needed to trace. I downloaded a lot, too)

My list

All of my fabric and patterns, all matched up and ready to go!!

I did a similar thing for the boys' and Audrey's stuff, except I skipped the swatch page. It's just too overwhelming to do much organizing for three other people that way. I could probably do one at a time if I had started earlier, but I didn't. So, all of their patterns are traced and stacked up with their fabric, ready to go, too.

This kind of organization is way more than I usually do, so I feel pretty good about it.
Another thing I'm pumped about is the serger I bought off of friend earlier in the week. I've busted my tail learning how to do all the stitches I need to know, and feel pretty confident about using it. I've finished my second garment construction using it already!!

Now, because I can't acquire any more fabric during stash game, I had to hurry up and make this trade with my friend, who is moving soon. Look at these goodies!!! WOW!!

Lots of trims and collars!!

Swimsuit fabric, plus lining!

some cute cotton wovens, a cotton knit w/ angels, and grippy stuff for pjs and slipper feet!

FAncy, fancy, fancy fabric!!

some soft wool (the blue), some silk/cotton fancy fabric, some pink cord, a light weight sheer something for top!! very neat!!

some fleecy stuff w/a waffle texture, DENIM!!!!!, some raincoat-like stuff, and some poly gray stripes.

And, just in the nick of time, my box of serger thread from Atlanta Thread Company. I paid $1.80 each for these thread cones. They have every color of Maxi-lock and I bought 4 each of every color I use regularly. The cones say $4.59 retail on the printed Maxi-lock wrapper, but I can't believe anyone would really pay that. I also ordered some extra needles since the co-op I ordered needles from is going excruciatingly slowly. I doubt my needles from that buy will be here before the end of Stash Game, even. I'm not very happy about it, either. I do still need a few notions for my stash game projects, but I'm holding out on a sale, or using my 40% coupon from JoAnn.

I'm excited!! It starts Monday!

1 comment:

  1. So fun to see "my" stuff somewhere else and hopefully eventually making its way into an actual completed project! Enjoy it...


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