

A Haircut, A Snowy Day, An Illicit Picnic and a Bucket-Headed Sock Monkey

I took William to get a haircut yesterday. We have a goal of getting the front and the back to be the same length, but his hair disagrees with this plan and only grows in the back. Katy took a couple of inches off of the back and reshaped his "bangs" a bit so it's not AS messy.

William is terrified of anyone he doesn't know well touching him, but he was a trouper. He didn't voice a single complaint and sat very still while Katy worked.

Aldous amused himself with Katy's dogs, both of whom he called "Stinky"

As Katy worked, William inched his head further and further away.

He had had about all he could stand at this point and his eyes started filling with tears.

Luckily, Katy was finished. She offered to dry his hair, but I think that might have pushed him over the edge!!!

The whole event was exhausting for everyone, apparently.

After breakfast this morning, I could see through the upper windows that there was SNOW falling!!

It was pretty lame snow, actually

see the bit in William's hair?

about a half-hour later, this is what I had!!

So, after seeing the snow, I ran upstairs to put on jeans and boots to wear while I took William to school. I came back down to this: a picnic of William's school lunch.

By the time I got back down, they had eaten most of the sandwich, all of the strawberries and had started in on the raisins.

When I took the cheese and crackers back to the kitchen with me to make another lunch, William ran after me shouting "no, come back!! I'm hungry!!"

At CityCraft's lounge night Monday night, I cut out and sewed these yoga pants for Aldous, but didn't hem them because I had forgotten my hem tape. BOO!! So I finished those up today.

My neatly-done double-needled hem.

Lounge night. The empty chair closest to the camera is my seat/machine, and at the same table to the left is my friend Bianca. On that back counter is all the wine and snacks. It's pretty awesome!!!

Can you make out the slight flare of the leg? I love these pants!!!
It's from my vintage Kwik Sew's Sewing for Toddlers. These pants are slim fitting through the thigh, but with a slight flare to the leg. They're great!!

This is what it looks like, if you need a copy. This is my go-to book for jumpsuits, too!!

While I was hemming the pants, Aldous entertained himself. I had put on those socks to add grippy to his monkey suit, which has NONE and is super-slippery. He added the buckets.

What a fun day we had!!!

1 comment:

Thank you so much for your comment! I wait for each one with bated breath, and read them all so eagerly! Spread the cheese!