

Cheeseface!!! and Bowling.

first, tho, a pic of Aldous, super comfy in the swing in my sewing room. It's a disaster in there!! It will surely need a post-Stash Game overhaul.

I found William the PERFECT shirt at Target when we went a couple days ago, and I got him do a cheeseface for all of you!!

But before we could do cheeseface, we had to do all this other stuff.

Amanda came to town and treated Terah and I to Denny's and bowling!! We had a great time!! All these pics are with my phone, because I forgot my camera! We bowled two games, and I scored 139 on the first game!! Amazing!! (ftr, REAL bowling is much harder than Wii bowling)

here's Amanda!!

Our table!! oooohhh, aaaahhhh!!

A pic of my coffee, at Denny's. It was good!!! our waitress was a whacko, though, sheesh!!

Our waitress was in good company!! Two more whackos, me and Terah!


and Amanda!!

and a funny video I shared on Facebook that no one will look at!!


  1. i think i need to take a dramamine after that one!

  2. So when you put it that way, of course I will look. I am a major "bait taker". heehee! Cute video of cuter boys.

  3. whatever - you have a fan base as long as my arm! not that arm, it's shorter than the left you!


Thank you so much for your comment! I wait for each one with bated breath, and read them all so eagerly! Spread the cheese!