

My Fractured Heel, Three Puddings, and Fabric Collections


Last Friday I fell carrying Aldous and all the kid paraphernalia. On Saturday I noticed my foot KILLING me to walk on it, but I ignored it the best I could, walked the mile to the train, all around the zoo, the mile back. Sunday I kind of layed around a bit, Monday I walked William to school, went grocery shopping, and walked William to school. My foot was KILLING me. And then on Tuesday, my birthday, it was pretty painful walking around to the movie theater and I actually took the elevator up to it, rather than the stairs. So I called the doctor and went Wednesday, and HOLY COW!! My foot is fractured!! He said the "boot" was optional and I could wear a stiff soled shoe, but it turns out, none of my shoes are supportive enough and I'm going to have to get the boot. YAY ME!!

Ok, one isn't actually a pudding, but since we eat it as one, we're calling it one!!
For my kids, I put my puddings in the same tiny containers with lids that I use for the yogurt. For the first two, don't put the lid on until the pudding is cold, but with the last, put the lid on immediately after filling.

The first two are the most economical I could come up with, for a fun inexpensive snack. There are much nicer, richer puddings out there, but I'm happy with these, for the price!!

Vanilla Pudding (or add bananas to cooled pudding for BANANA pudding!)

If you want to use flour rather than cornstarch, double the amount.
put all the dry stuff in a pan on med heat, then add milk w/ a whisk. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, stirring until it gets thick. Turn off heat, stir in vanilla
  • 1/3 cup white sugar
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 1/2 cups milk
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Chocolate Pudding

*3c milk (any fat with fat free, too)
*1/2c cornstarch
*1/3c cocoa
*2/3c sugar
*dash of salt
*3T butter
*1t vanilla

In saucepan, over medium heat, mix cornstarch, cocoa, sugar and salt. Gradually add milk, whisking until smooth. Boil and stir one minute. Remove from heat. Stir in butter and vanilla. Pour into individual containers. 6 servings.
Refrigerate with the lids off, then put the lids on when they are cold, like 3 hours later.

Now the not-so-economical one!!!
Creme de Patisserie
The is actually the cream filling for eclairs, but I rarely make eclairs b/c this is good enough by itself. SO YUMMY!! This one, at our house, never makes it to tiny containers, but instead is eaten warm. Please use good vanilla extract in this.

3 large eggs
3T flour
1/2c sugar
1 1/2c milk
1t vanilla

Combine eggs, flour, sugar and 1/2c milk in a bowl and beat with a whisk. Put remaining milk in a sauce pan and bring to a boil. At the boil, immediately whisk in the egg mixture. Bring all to boil, stirring constantly, until boiling mixture breaks into BIG fat bubbles. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla.
Pour into bowl or individual containers. Cover w/ plastic wrap on the surface, or put the lids on the containers right away. Or, do like we do and just eat it all before it ever cools.
or, you could fill eclairs with this, or use for a filling for fruit tarts. Whatever. I vote for eating it all before it cools.

Two Collections
I like particular things, two of which are owls and skulls. I also like snails and mushrooms/toadstools, but I don't' see those as often.

Here are ALL of the owl fabrics I currently have. There are wovens, corduroy, flannel and knit, and one slinky satin thing that is actually a pair of pjs I bought to cut up.

Here are all the skull fabrics I currently have, again wovens, flannels, knits and a thermal.

Enjoy your pudding!!


  1. Oh Jacki, thank you! These pudding recipes are PERFECT! Ahnalin can't have corn syrup and food dyes and all commercial puddings have those in the ingredients. She has never been able to have pudding and will be so thrilled with this!

    Thank you so much!
    And I am so sorry about your foot. Are you going to make a cute cover for your boot?

  2. Hi!

    I am so jealous of your owl fabric collection! I LOVE owls!


Thank you so much for your comment! I wait for each one with bated breath, and read them all so eagerly! Spread the cheese!