

Dallas Zoo, 9/27/08

When Aldous was 9 days old, we went to the Dallas Zoo!! Aldous and I were both there, although there were no pics of us. :(
It's easy for us to go to the zoo...the DART rail has a station AT the entrance to the zoo! it's amazing!! And on our end, we use the cityplace station which is less than a mile from our house. We usually walk, but since I had just given birth, we opted on driving and parking very close by.

William LOVES the train, and each time we ride it, he gets SO excited!! Here he is exclaiming "oh, choo-choo!!" as it approaches. Much of the rail is street level.

This is William's first trip to the zoo, btw, and also his first carousel ride!! It was tricky getting a good picture of it. William chose to ride the giraffe, which did not go up and down. He looked a little dazed for the entire ride and didn't smile.

Here are the biggest tortoises EVER!!

William climbing the fence. He did this a EVERY exhibit...I TOLD Doug not to let him out of the stroller, but did he listen???


William admiring the flamingoes amidst a group of adult butts.

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Thank you so much for your comment! I wait for each one with bated breath, and read them all so eagerly! Spread the cheese!