

A Camp Out at Beaver's Bend

We went on a camp out w/ our church to Beaver's Bend in southeast Oklahoma. It was so pretty there! We actually stayed in a cabin, so it's wasn't REALLY a camp out, but it was still fun.

It was very cold, like 40 degrees our first morning there. I had breakfast duty, so Doug was in charge of the boys. Concerned that Aldous might be cold, he put, over Aldous' rockin' skull nightgown, a brown giraffe tee, a pair of pants from another outfit, and red socks. Not showing is the pumpkin hat. ** sigh** He's crying here b/c he doesn't WANT to be a rodeo clown. I feel like that when my clothes don't match, too.

Off for our morning hike. Doug is using the carrier I got for him back in July. He REALLY loves it and uses it all the time now. William loves it, too!

a LOVELY pic of me...Aldous is all wrapped up...see his little pumpkin head??

All snuggled up next to mommy....

Hiking in the woods....

William found the hike to be very relaxing.

William made a lot of friends, and was nice to all of them. The temp became rather pleasant, as you can tell by their clothes.

William exploring the camp

The dog water rocks!!!

We hiked to the little amusement center, where there was a miniature train ride. It was horrifying.

Yay!! We're about to go!!!

William is so excited!!!!

There are also stables and trail rides at this place.

We saw several deer on the train ride. They were still brave since it was a week before hunting season, when they go into hiding.

The walk back to the campground was exhausting for William.

It made Doug tired, too, so they took naps.

While they napped, I amused myself by taking this pic of Aldous, and playing w/ him a bit. Notice he's shed some of the more unusual pieces of clothing.

Doug had steak grilling duty. This requires a particular stance. its effective though, b/c the steak was perfectly done and YUMMY!!!

William found this rock and insisted on tasting it. weird.

LouAnn took a turn w/ Aldous. I'm not sure how Aldous felt about it, but LouAnn seemed to enjoy herself!!

William made some toddler friends, too. He thought this little girl was IT!!

All the toddlers playing nicely together.

William playing with the big boys again. Later he played with them and one of them started yelling" Hey!! Can someone get this baby out of our fort???"

Another beautiful hiking trail.

The views on this hike were outstanding!!!!

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