

My sewing this week.....

Since my fav sewing machine is in the shop, I thought I might finally get around to doing some summer sewing for William. Never mind that it's nearly July. This is Camelot, don't you know?
William won't need long sleeves until November, and that will be only occasionally.

In case you didn't know, clicking the pics shows them larger.
The first one is an alien/planets print. Very funny! Different pattern from the others and a bit too large, so I haven't been in a hurry to get the buttons on it.

This is a funny frog print shirt. William wore this one yesterday. He gets so excited about new clothes he knows will be his that he steals them from my sewing table unfinished to "model" in front of the mirror. He can't dress himself, so really he sort of flings them about his neck like a scarf.

Here is William being VERY grateful for his new blue shirt with ducky buttons. He chose the buttons himself and was REALLY proud of this whole outfit. He primped in the mirror repeatedly.

Proudly modeling his outfit in our still trashed living room.

Another view, with a mouth full of the cookie bribe.

Close up and a SERIOUS modeling pose. I love this kid.

I still lack finishing a puppy fabric one (William chose the fabric himself) and a snail print fabric. As soon as I get buttons on those, I'll post them as well.

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