

Haircuts and Rain

I took William for a haircut today, to a place just for kids. He wasn't impressed. We swung by Starbuck's (of course) for a chai and an apple juice first. Then we went to Snip Its.

Here's his hair before the cut. I WANT his hair to be long, but I don't really dig this homeless look.

William gets belted down and wrapped up in his cape. The hairdresser was very sweet and nice, but I don't think William liked her much.

What is going on here???

Oh, this is bad!! I have a cookie the "nice" lady gave me, but I'm gonna throw it on the floor in about two seconds!

This sucks!! She's cutting my HAIR!!! Help!!! Help!!!

Later at home, relaxing before nap. Nice, neat, dorky hair.

We had a huge storm today with a lot of wind and rain. The thunder was pretty impressive, too.
I had a BUNCH of errands to run, but after the haircut, we went to the post office and then started home. The wind had knocked down lots of trees into the roads we used to get home.

The electricity was out at most intersections (and the surrounding businesses) on our route, too. We thought we would get some food from a drive though on the way home, but we didn't find a place with electricity until we got to the McDonald's two blocks from the house. :(
I was REALLY hoping for something better than that, but as I'd not been able to go to the grocery store, I made do. William liked it, though.

City folks, I've learned, don't know what to do at intersections without traffic lights. It was VERY interesting!!!

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