

Mother's Day Festivities

I got these beautiful flowers earlier in the week from my MIL, who didn't know I was having a terrible day, but somehow they managed to come RIGHT in the middle of it, and really lifted my spirits!!!

Great day!! We started by Doug providing a scrumptious McDonald's breakfast! We went on to church then headed home. Doug was in charge of cooking a yummy meal for me, so I went to Greenville to pick up some moving boxes from a fellow Freecycler.
Yesterday I made myself this delicious coconut cake. It's BY FAR the best coconut cake I've EVER had. It was so good!!!
I got the recipe from Double Coconut Cake

Here is the yummy meal Doug made for me. Notice William to the right trying to steal a fork from the table. That stinker!!!

Emily presiding of the Mother's Day festivities. I don't know why. She said "Take a picture of me sitting here".

Here's the Queen for the Day (aka box fetcher and yummy cake maker)

Emily likes to take pictures of the food, for some reason. Here are the grilled steaks. Medium rare: perfect!!! Doug's secret to yummy steak is Montreal Steak Seasoning, by McCormick's.

Doug's delicious mashed potatoes. He never makes a meal without these!!! His always turn out so creamy, too!

And asparagus! I asked Doug this morning if we were having a vegetable with the steak and potatoes and he said "Yes." I said "Well, what vegetable?" He said "Those long skinny green things!!!" LOL!!! I guessed green beans and okra before I guessed asparagus!!

Doug and the girls gave me very thoughtful gifts, too! From the girls I got a GC for a pedicure, and a pair of really sexy shoes! And from Doug I got a GC for maternity lingerie!
HHMMM, I wonder if there is theme here? :)

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