

Vegas, Day 2

We began our day with trip to wal-mart, via taxi. William loved the taxi ride, and he loved waiting for the taxi after. His next favorite thing was trying to run past Daddy into the parking lot.

Next up for William was pushing his own stroller, in circles. Whee!

After that exhausting morning, it was time for a nap! There's nothing better than a fancy bed w/ luxurious down pillows for a mid-morning nap!

The nap was really long: almost three hours! Enough to REALLY mess up your hair!

Poor William was STARVING by the time he woke up, and he's was QUITE angry that I took so long getting his lunch ready.

After lunch we took a walk toward the hotel's aquarium, The Shark Reef. On the way there we stopped for a peek at the pool area. William thought it was awfully cool!

This is at the aquarium. I found it interesting for some reason.

Some cool fish.

Another really cool fish.

William really didn't care about the fish at all, but he kept trying to pick up every girl he saw.
He is trying to make a move on a slightly older babe.

After that we took a walk around the property to warm up. Apparently the hotel managers are worried people will melt in the 80 degree heat and to compensate they keep the hotel at 50 degrees. BBBBRRRR!!! William loves this elephant fountain.

William wants a closer look at the elephant fountain.

I bought William this awesome squeaky shark from the gift shop at the aquarium so he'd have something new to play with in the room. However, William is scared of it and won't even touch it. If you touch him with it he recoils in disgust!! He also calls it a Skeek-skeek. Here he his checking out the mouth. Look out!!! Lots of teeth in there!

Since he's scared to touch the skeek-skeek, I put it to work guarding the faucet on the bathtub! He hasn't touched the faucet since I put it on there either!

William REALLY enjoys the view from our room. I really enjoy the view IN our room, of William!

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