


I have this AWESOME friend who gave me a couple of vouchers for the AFI in Dallas...WOOT!!!
Since my Emily was coming to town, loves movies AND hadn't yet celebrated her birthday with me, we decided to go see a movie. After perusing the schedule, we decided on a film from Cananda called Amal. It is actually an Indian film, with most of it in Hindi and a bit of it in English. It was filmed in India, of course. We were WAY pumped to see this film: we both LOVE LOVE LOVE foreign films.
While we were sitting and waiting for the film to begin, we noticed some very handsome and nicely dressed men with official-looking badges/tags around their necks. They also looked like they MIGHT be Indian, but I'm not an expert. As the theater filled with patrons taking every seat, another "official" looking man went to the front of the theater with a microphone. OOOOHHH!!!!
NOW I'm excited!!!
He proceeded to introduce the writer/director of the film we were about to see. How cool is THAT???
We watched the MOST AWESOME MOVIE EVER (which I def recommend seeing) and then, all the official-looking men move to the front and we are introduced to the STAR of the film, Rupinder Nagra, who is such a hottie, and has the most enormous feet I've ever seen. Of course, he's also very tall, but the FEET!!! My GOD!!! He and the director, Richie Mehta, fielded questions from the audience about the film. It was so interesting, we listened to them talk and answer questions for the same time as the length of the film! We were totally surprised by how much time had gone by. Amazing!
At the end, we hurried out for a bathroom break, then back into the lobby. There we see our "star", Rupinder Nagra, and waited patiently to congratulations on his great work and to take his pic. Emily, the birthday girl, had her pic made with the hottie star of Amal, Rupinder Nagra.
Of course, all I had was my phone, but who cares, right?

Happy Birthday, Em!!!

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